Help, my Christ thorn loses leaves!

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Crown of thorns update after losing all leaves before Spring
Video: Crown of thorns update after losing all leaves before Spring


If the Christ Thorn loses many leaves, something is wrong

Help, my Christ thorn loses leaves!

The Christ the Thorn is generally considered easy to maintain. However, he sometimes responds to errors in care or the wrong location by dropping his leaves. The reasons are different, but mostly the Christ's thorn can be helped well.

If you forget to water more often, then one day your Christ thorn may be in front of you. Something similar can happen if it is too cool, because the Christ Thorn loves the warmth. However, it should be a bit cooler during the drought. Heat can lead to leaf loss during this time. By the way, without dryness your Christ's thorn will not bloom.

A warning sign that your Christ's thorn is not feeling well are yellow leaves. You should quickly bring the plant to a more suitable location. It should be warm and airy there. In summer you are welcome to put your Christthorn outside in the garden or on the balcony. So he will recover quickly.

Can I still save my Christthorn?

Even if your thorn thorn has already lost some leaves, it can still be saved most of the time. If you have poured it too little, put it in a cooler place and slowly increase the casting rate. With a little luck, you will initiate the flowering, which follows the drought.

Although it may be warm in the summer, but too hot temperatures get him as bad as cold. Make sure that it does not get warmer than 30 ° C at the location of your Christ's thorn. During dehydration, the temperature should not fall below 15 ° C. By the way, too frequent watering easily causes root rot and makes your Christ's thorn susceptible to pests or diseases.

Some reasons for the leaf loss at the Christ thorn:


Water moderately during the summer and sparingly during dry dormancy. Keep the temperature generally between 5 ° C and 30 ° C, then leaf loss will not be an issue for you.