Better not transplant Christmas roses

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024


Christmas roses like no change of location and tolerate transplanting bad

Better not transplant Christmas roses

The Christmas rose does not like transplanting to another place very much. It often does not grow at the new location or it does not flower. Therefore, before planting the snow-rose or Christmas-rose, well consider whether the chosen position is favorable.

Avoid transplanting as much as possible

If the Christmas rose is in a favorable location, it can live there for many years.

Since they do not cope so well with new site conditions, you should only implement Christmas roses if it is unavoidable.

At the new location there is a high risk that the snow-rose will not grow. The main reason for this is that it is difficult to excavate the root ball as completely as possible.

The best time to transplant

If it's unavoidable, plant Christmas roses in the fall. But even in spring, the conversion is still possible. Do not repot the plant if it has already formed flowers.

Prepare the new planting hole like this:

Dig up Christmas rose

The root of the Christmas rose, as the Christmas rose is also called, is not very wide but quite deep. The more roots you remove while digging, the worse the plant will grow later.

Use the grave fork around the plant as deep as possible into the ground.

Loosen the ground by carefully moving the digger fork back and forth. Then the Christmas rose with its roots can be lifted more easily from the ground.

Replanting the snow rose

Then plant the Christmas rose with as much soil as possible from the previous location into the new planting hole.

Christmas roses should only be set so low that the root ball just ends with the earth's surface.

Fill in new soil loosely and do not hit the ground so hard. Then it's easier for the roots to spread. In addition, they prevent the soil from solidifying too much.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to multiply your Christmas rose, the transplanting offers itself. Since you have to dig out the snow rose anyway, you can pierce it with the spade in two parts and win new plants.