How do you know if mushrooms are bad?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How do you know when mushrooms are bad
Video: How do you know when mushrooms are bad


If the mushrooms smell bad, they should not be eaten

How do you know if mushrooms are bad?

Due to their high protein content, mushrooms (as well as all other mushrooms) have only a very limited shelf life and become uncooled after only a short time. This is particularly problematic in packaged supermarket mushrooms, which spoil within a very short time due to the unfavorable plastic packaging - often directly in the shop. For that reason you should buy as loose a product as possible.

This will tell you if mushrooms are still good

Fresh mushrooms can be recognized by these features:

If the mushrooms look and smell as described, they are still good and can be used in any case. Even minor bruises - recognizable by brownish discoloration of the hat and / or stalk pose no problem.

How do you recognize mold in mushrooms?

Sometimes fine, white threads can be seen on otherwise good-looking mushrooms, which in advanced cases literally cover the mushrooms. This is not about mold, but the mushroom mycelium, which now forms a new fungus. It comes from the spores, which secrete even supermarket mushrooms, and can be eaten safely or removed by careful rubbing with a kitchen towel made of paper. Incidentally, such mycelium-coated fruiting bodies can also be used for breeding their own mushrooms.

When should you throw away mushrooms?

Mold on mushrooms is never white, but mostly black. Please do not cut out this place and use the infested fungi anyway! Throw mold-infested mushrooms away or you will play with your health. Also throw away and better not use mushrooms that have one or more of the following characteristics:

If the mushrooms still smell good, but have dark lamellae, cut surfaces are dark and hat and stalk have dark spots, they are no longer fresh. But you can still be used in such a case, as long as you completely remove the stem and cook the mushrooms very well. Only the taste will not be as aromatic as with fresh mushrooms.


If you want to be on the safe side and process fresh mushrooms, you can also breed them yourself. It works on the balcony, in the garden and even in the cool basement.