Canna: What should one know about tubers?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Canna lilies - everything you need to know about how to choose and grow cannas
Video: Canna lilies - everything you need to know about how to choose and grow cannas


Canna: What should one know about tubers?

They look inconspicuous with their white, yellowish or sandy color - the rhizomes of the flower tube. But they are the powerhouse of this tropical plant and form the basis of their health. Good reasons to take a closer look at them ...

When and how are they planted?

There are no onions like many other perennials, but tubers. They are planted in the garden in mid-May, in contrast to the commercially available, preferred cannabis plants.

The rhizomes are planted with the eye up. The eye is a pink, elongated, pointed spot that is clearly visible. The tubers are buried at least 5 cm deep in the soil.

Dig up in the fall and prepare for wintering

When the flowering season is over, autumn approaches and with it the time for the winter. For example, if Canna is outdoors in the garden bed, her tubers should be dug up. But beware: The tubers should not be dug up before the leaves of the plant have turned brown. They extract important nutrients from the leaves that they need in the coming year.

That's how it's done:

The tubers overwinter

Once the tubers have been cleaned, they can be shipped to their winter quarters for winter storage. Please note the following:

From when and how can you drive the tubers?

The tubers can already be driven forward from January / February. For this they are put in soil and placed in a warm place, for example near the heating. Occasionally, the soil should be slightly moistened. After one to two weeks, the first shoots are visible.

Tips & Tricks

If you have too many tubers left, you can get to know their culinary side. They are edible and should be cooked for consumption for a long time due to their high fiber content.