Care of Calathea requires expertise

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
All you need to know about Calathea
Video: All you need to know about Calathea


The basket edge is not easy to clean

Care of Calathea requires expertise

The Calathea, also known as Korbmarante or arrowroot, is one of the non-poisonous houseplants whose care is a little more elaborate. Even small care mistakes Calathea takes evil. What you need to consider when maintaining a calathea.

Early article Calathea comes in many different ways Next article Causes of brown calathea leaves

How is the Calathea properly poured?

Make sure that the Calathea is not too wet or too dry. Waterlogging tolerates them just as little as ball dryness. The root ball must always be slightly moist.

For the pouring and spraying of the leaves use slightly warmed, lime-free water, rainwater is best suited.

What should be considered when fertilizing the Korbmarante?

Calathea needs very little fertilizer. On too high fertilizer yields it reacts with yellow leaves.

It is enough if you supply the Korbmarante with liquid fertilizer at monthly intervals from April to September.

In winter and after repotting is not fertilized.

Does the calathea have to be cut?

Dried, brown leaves and withered flowers can be cut off at any time.

In spring, cut shoot cuttings if you want to multiply the calathea.

When is repotting necessary?

Repotting is done in spring, when the previous pot has become too small. Do not use too nutrient potting soil. Pour the basket edge well.

After repotting, you must not fertilize the calathea for several weeks.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Diseases only occur if care is not right. Especially waterlogging or ball dryness lead to illnesses.

Pests are found mainly in winter in very dry room air. It refers to

Spider mites are relatively common. Cover the substrate and put the calathea under the shower to rinse off the pests.

Why are the leaves of the Korbmarante rising at night?

The basket Marant takes her "sleeping posture" in the evening. She puts the leaves upwards. This is a completely natural process. In the morning the leaves fold up again.

Which ambient temperatures are ideal?

Calathea likes to warm. In summer, temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees are ideal. Even in winter it should not be too cool. It should not be colder than 18 degrees at the location.

Is Calathea hardy?

The calathea comes from the rainforests of South America. She is not used to frost and does not even tolerate temperatures below 15 degrees plus. Therefore you can safely pull a Korbmarante year-round in a half-shady place in the flower window.

In winter you give a little less water, but increase the humidity, especially if the plant is near a heater. You should not fertilize in winter.


Not all species of Calathea are pulled because of the flowers. Calathea lancifolia, for example, is prized for its beautiful leafy foliage. The flowering time depends on the particular Korbmaranten variety.