Cutting bush roses - all questions clarified

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
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Blooming roses should be removed continuously

Cutting bush roses - all questions clarified

In the richest colors, most beautiful shapes, small or large, fragrant or not - bush roses are now in abundance in the trade. Here is a specific guide and all the important facts you should know to cut bush roses properly!

One pruning a year - every bush rose

Every bush rose should be inspected and inspected at least once a year. The pruning is highly recommended to remove frozen, dead branches. These weaken the Bush Rose unnecessarily. The consequences of such a cutback are among others:

Cut low shrub species to about 15 to 20 cm! Higher varieties can be cut down to 50 cm. Remember: The weaker the plant is, the stronger it should be cut back!

When does the pruning take place?

It would be perfect if you remember to cut back the bush rose in the spring. Between March and April is the ideal period. It is important that there is no frost during the day. Many gardeners are inspired by the heyday of forsythia. When they flower, the bush roses can be cut without hesitation.

Take care too!

The following notes should also be kept in mind:

Do you want your bush rose to develop vigorous shoots that bloom strongly? Then cut them back more radically! Or do you want your rose bush to grow bushier and finer? Then cut it less!

Remove old flowers in summer

Not only for climbing roses and Edelrosen is a cut in the summer time advisable. Bush roses should ideally be plastered regularly in summer. In the course of the care, it is recommended to cut away the old flowers, in order to promote the new (blossom) sprouting.

Cutting for the production of cuttings

You want to multiply the rose bush? Then do not hesitate, grab the scissors and cut cuttings!


Before planting the bush roses, it is advisable to set the scissors short to shorten the roots. The rooting is stimulated by it and the roots branch out better.