How to fertilize bromeliads properly

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guide to watering & feeding your bromeliad and orchid plants🌸💦Caring for bromeliad babies
Video: Guide to watering & feeding your bromeliad and orchid plants🌸💦Caring for bromeliad babies


With the right amount of fertilizer Bromeliad thrives particularly well

How to fertilize bromeliads properly

The experts of the German Bromeliad Society argue that it is better to fertilize bromeliads less and more frequently. How this rule of thumb is actually implemented in the course of the year, you can find out here. Use our tips on concentration, intervals and administration of bromine fertilizer.

Dosing bromine fertilizer correctly - That's how it works

Vital carbon extracts bromeliads of air in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). What the tropical indoor plants need in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, provides a liquid fertilizer. Although special bromine fertilizers are commercially available, commercially available flower fertilizers also contain all important components. The dosage depends on the Bromelienart, as the following overview shows:

Please adjust the dosage to the individual growth behavior of your Bromelie. If in doubt, reduce the concentration. A shortage of fertilizer is quickly balanced, while an overdose is difficult to remedy and significantly affects the vitality and flowering.

Tips on fertilizer interval and application

Although bromeliads do not hibernate in the true sense of the word, they still shut down a corridor during the cold and lulled time. Therefore, vote the fertilizer phases on the course of vegetation. That is how it goes:

Deciduous bromeliads, such as Pitcairnien, get no fertilizer in winter. The vast majority of evergreen species are content with a small amount of liquid fertilizer once a month, but in case of doubt they can also do without nutrients. It is important to note that fertilizers and water have a temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius. The optimum achieves a bromine fertilizer at 21 degrees Celsius, while it loses effectiveness from 25 degrees Celsius.


Earth bromeliads are not fertilized after repotting in the following 4 to 6 weeks. Bromeli earth always contains a supply of nutrients. If a fertilizer is additionally administered during this phase, the overdose is preprogrammed.