Collect blackberries properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Growing Blackberries In Containers - The Complete Guide To Growing Blackberry
Video: Growing Blackberries In Containers - The Complete Guide To Growing Blackberry


Collect blackberries properly

Depending on the weather, location and variety, the ripening period of blackberries usually ranges from about the end of July to autumn. The tendrils do not produce all the fruits at the same time, but allow continuous replenishment for snacking.

Harvesting wild blackberries in the forest

Collecting blackberries in the forest is an ideal way to escape the summer heat with a refreshing forest walk. The blackberries can be collected with the whole family and then used in a variety of ways, such as:

Since wild blackberries have a variety of sharp thorns, it is recommended to wear long, discarded clothing as a safeguard for gathering in the forest and on embankments in nature. In addition, baskets or bowls should be taken, in which the fruits found can be transported without being crushed. If you collect only fruits above the knee in the forest, you are relatively safe from the fox tapeworm. For safety, however, the fruits should be washed as thoroughly as possible with clean water before consumption.

Collect blackberries in the garden

When buying bramble in your own garden, long garments are usually superfluous for protection, as many varieties of blackberry cultivars today no longer bear thorns. However, the fruits should be touched as gently as possible during the harvest, because crushed blackberries spoil even faster than already. For the blackberry plants in the garden ripe fruits should be taken regularly, as moldy specimens can quickly infect all the other fruits on the tendrils.

Recognize the right time for the harvest

Although there are different color variations in the cultivars of blackberries for the garden, most varieties indicate the ripeness of the fruits with a deep black color. In addition, you should rely on your fingertip when picking and only take fruits that can be subtracted from the trunk with gentle pressure. If the particular blackberry is still rather firm and compact on the tendril, it probably takes about one to two days to mature.

Tips & Tricks

The collection of blackberries in the garden is even easier, if even in the siting on a good accessibility of tendrils is respected. Also, the leadership of climbing varieties along a trellis facilitates the harvest.