Planting plan for lasting flowers in the flowerbed

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips for Planting a New Flower Bed // Garden Answer
Video: 5 Tips for Planting a New Flower Bed // Garden Answer


With a planting plan, the design of a flowerbed can be perfectly planned

Planting plan for lasting flowers in the flowerbed

So that the flowerbed looks attractive all year round and does not sink into the inconspicuous insignificance after a short time of flowering, you should plan the planting carefully. A colorful mix of spring bloomers, summer and autumn flowers and evergreen plants provides color patches all year round.

Planting Plan: These flowers bloom all year round

The centerpiece of every flowerbed are large flowering shrubs that have as long flowering time as possible and constantly develop new flowers. Large-flowered Girl's Eye (Coreopsis grandiflora), Giant Parrots (Gaura lindheimeri), Scented Nettle, Stained Bertramsgarbe (Achillea ptarmica), Spiderwort (Centranthus ruber var. Coccineus) or Phlox (Phlox) bloom tirelessly between June / July and October. Supplement these perennials with spring flowers such as crocuses, daffodils and tulips, summer flowers (annual and perennial), late flowering species such as dahlias and asters and possibly roses. In order to make the bed look attractive even in winter and to soften up the summery splendor of colors in between, plant evergreen plants in between. Wool-Ziest (Stachys byzantina), Bergenia (Bergenia) or the conspicuous flowering palm-tree (Yucca filamentosa) with their long, dark-green leaves and the horstigen growth are suitable for this.


Even a small tree or shrub is very well suited as the center of the flowerbed - especially the species that bloom in the spring.