So plant jasmine in the tub or garden

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
A Very Versatile Plant: Star Jasmine Care & Growing Tips / Joy Us Garden
Video: A Very Versatile Plant: Star Jasmine Care & Growing Tips / Joy Us Garden


Many jasmine species are climbing plants and need a climbing aid

So plant jasmine in the tub or garden

The name jasmine hides a variety of different ornamental species. Most of them are not real jasmine, but are so called because of their similarity and the typical fragrance. Real jasmine can be recognized by its botanical name Jasminum. So plant real jasmine.

Next article Maintaining Jasmine - That's how it's done!

What is the difference between genuine and false jasmine?

The biggest difference is that True Jasmine is not hardy, while False Jasmine, actually a pipe shrub, can survive low temperatures well.

Where does the real jasmine come from?

Originally, genuine jasmine is native to Turkey. The name means "fragrant oil" and is often used in the Arab world as a maiden name.

Since the 16th century, jasmine is grown in the Mediterranean. There it can be kept outdoors all year round.

Is jasmine planted in the tub or in the field?

Real jasmine must be overwintered in the house in the country. If you plant it directly into the garden, you have to dig it out in the fall and place it in a bucket.

It is easier to pull it straight into the pot or to cultivate it as a houseplant in the flower window. Even as a bonsai in a planter makes jasmine a good figure.

Which location is optimal?

Jasmine loves it warm and sunny. Even in a full sun, the shrub thrives well. Shadow, however, does not tolerate jasmine.

If you keep jasmine as a houseplant, you should protect it from direct midday sun to avoid sunburn on the leaves.

As a container plant, jasmine feels very comfortable in summer on the terrace or on the balcony

How must the plant substrate be?

Normal, slightly nutritious garden soil is sufficient. It must be as loose as possible, because waterlogging causes the roots to rot.

When planting in a pot you should therefore loosen the soil with sand, pebbles or expanded clay.

When is the best planting time?

Since you have to overwinter Jasmine in the house anyway, you can plant it throughout the garden season. It grows best in the spring. If possible, you should therefore plant it in March or April.

How is Jasmine properly planted?

Pick up a hole big enough for the root ball and do not over-tighten the ground. In the pot you plant jasmine like all other indoor plants as well.

Does Jasmine need a climbing aid?

Most Jasmine are climbers that either by themselves up on a grid or tied to a trellis aid.

Use the trellis aid immediately. Later you would damage the roots of jasmine.

When is the heyday of jasmine?

Most jasmine species bloom from June to September. Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) flowers from December to March.

In winter, jasmine needs a longer cold period. It must therefore be wintered at about ten degrees. If the temperatures are higher during the winter break, the jasmine does not bloom.

Is it possible to make tea or perfume from jasmine?

For the production of fragrance oils, only certain types of jasmine are suitable. This also applies to the popular jasmine tea. Because the plant is poisonous, you should better abstain from making your own tea.

To make oil for perfumes, the flowers are expressed. However, such amounts of flowers are needed that the attitude of only some room or potted plants is not sufficient.

How is jasmine increased?

Jasmine proliferate over cuttings. By summer, cut half-lobed shoots of about 10 to 15 centimeters in length. Remove the lower leaves and cut the upper leaves halfway through.

Put the cuttings in prepared plant pots and wrap them in a plastic bag. It takes a few months for the cuttings to form roots. Mostly they can be planted in the following spring.

Is it possible to create a hedge with jasmine?

Since True Jasmine is not hardy, it is not suitable for planting as a hedge. Of course, you can create a summer screen by placing several containers of jasmine next to each other.

For the plant of hedges the hardy False Jasmine is suitable. It is often used for loose hedges, but does not protect the eyes in winter, as it is deciduous and throws off the leaves in autumn.

Is jasmine poisonous?

Real jasmine is poisonous. It contains many essential oils that can trigger inflammation and skin irritation even on skin contact. Always wear gloves when cutting.

In households with children and animals you should refrain from real jasmine better, because swallowing can cause serious poisoning.


True jasmine is available in countless ways. Most of them have strongly fragrant flowers that exude a very intense scent especially in the evening. If strong fragrances bother you, do not plant or nurture jasmine directly in front of the bedroom window.