Propagate blue cubs: sowing, cuttings, division

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to grow Blueberry Bushes Part 5 - How to Root Blueberry Plants (Blueberry Propagation)
Video: How to grow Blueberry Bushes Part 5 - How to Root Blueberry Plants (Blueberry Propagation)


If you leave the blue pillow, it increases itself very reliably

Propagate blue cubs: sowing, cuttings, division

Blue cushions do not just look pretty. They also cover entire surfaces, beautify rock gardens and beds with their upholstery-like growth and, moreover, are completely undemanding. How to multiply, read below!

Target the sowing

You can collect the seeds for sowing yourself if you are already allowed to call a blue cushion your own. They develop after flowering in the summer. In capsule fruits they ripen and are spread by their wings by the wind, if they are not collected. Self-sowing is not uncommon ...

This is how to proceed with sowing:

Summer is the time for cuttings

Further possible is the cuttings propagation of the blue pad. The shoots, which are to serve as cuttings, should ideally be removed in the course of the pruning. The pruning of the blue pillow takes place in June.

Overall, the cuttings propagation is easy, if you proceed correctly:

Division of the plant - with caution

The sharing of the blue pillow is basically feasible and can promise success. But this propagation method is more for professionals than hobby gardeners. The reason: The root system of this plant is extremely small. It can therefore be damaged quickly when digging. If you choose this method, the best time will be in spring or after flowering.


You do not necessarily have to take the multiplication into your own hands. Do not bother the effort, you only have to wait a few years and the blue pillow has multiplied by itself by means of its foothills. It likes to make large carpets.