Is the bluebell tree hardy?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Henry Burr - Blue Bell (1904)
Video: Henry Burr - Blue Bell (1904)


Older bluebell trees get along well with frost

Is the bluebell tree hardy?

In the trade, you will find the bluebell tree (bot. Paulownia tomentosa) as a winter hardy plant. Depending on the species, it tolerates more or less frost. However, this is only true for an older tree and neither for young shoots nor for the sensitive buds.

If your bluebell has abundantly flowered and plenty of fruit capsules formed, then fall off in the spring of these capsules and the seeds germinate by itself. However, these seedlings are very sensitive to frost and freeze without protection usually in the first winter. Only in a very mild area (Weinbaugegend) can they survive.

How do I care for my bluebell tree in winter?

So that your bluebell tree can be in full bloom next spring, the buds that are already grown in the fall need a mild climate or winter protection. Cold frosty easterly winds cause them to freeze very easily. Paulownia is not easy to care for. Even if the tree does not show any autumn colors, it loses its leaves, which is quite normal and no cause for concern.

The roots of a bluebell tree should always protect you from frost in a harsh area, even if it is already older. You can easily do that with a thick layer of leaves or straw.

You may also protect the trunk by wrapping it with fleece, jute or an old blanket. If the bluebell tree is not too big for it, then pull a foil or a fleece over the whole tree so that the flowers and young shoots can not freeze.

How do I overwinter a young bluebell tree?

At least in the first winter, you should bring your little bluebell tree in a frost-free winter quarters, only the woody shoots tolerate the cold. Therefore it makes sense to plant the tree in the bucket and place it in a sheltered place in the garden only for the third or fourth year.

The essentials in brief:


In an area with intense frosts or frequent late frosts, the teal tree is often difficult to flower. Freeze the sensitive buds, only a frost-free hibernation helps.