Cut money tree - not necessary but sometimes advisable

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When Your Money Tree Gets Big! | Money Tree Plant Care 101
Video: When Your Money Tree Gets Big! | Money Tree Plant Care 101


A pruning stimulates the money tree for better branching

Cut money tree - not necessary but sometimes advisable

Basically, you do not have to cut a money tree at all. However, it may be useful to occasionally cut down the houseplant. This is especially true for care, if the plant grows rather puny and does not branch well. What to consider when cutting.

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Why you should cut a money tree

There are a few reasons why you should occasionally cut back a money tree:

Use a sharp and, above all, clean knife for cutting. Use a pair of scissors to squeeze the soft branches together.

If you want to multiply the money tree, cut cuttings in the spring that grow very quickly.

The best time to cut money

You can cut back a money tree all year round. The houseplant is well cut compatible and drives reliably again.

Particularly favorable is the early spring, before the money tree drives out again. Even right after flowering is a good time for pruning. Then do not accidentally remove inflorescences.

How to cut the penny tree properly

When you cut back the money tree to make the trunk thicker, remove all lower branches and leaves. But remember that the plant does not drive out at the interfaces again.

A strong pruning promotes the formation of new impulses. Shorten old branches, branch them particularly well. The penny tree then looks more compact and dense.

Hanging branches do not just look ugly. They can bring down or break down the whole plant by their weight. Either cut such branches or tie them up with supports. After some time, the branches remain alone in the desired position.

Care after cutting

After pruning, the money tree recovers within a very short time. He then beats particularly strong and sometimes needs more nutrients. Give it some fresh substrate or provide it with slightly more fertilizer.

After pruning, do not put the money tree straight into the blazing sun, but give it some time to get used to a sunny spot.

Cultivate money tree as bonsai

You can also use a money tree very well as a bonsai. As growth forms, the upright tree form or the baobab shape have a particularly decorative effect.

Money trees are not wired because the branches are very soft and break too fast. They are brought by means of supports up or in the desired shape.


A money tree, which is kept as a pure house plant, usually does not bloom. If you want to get flowers to develop, you need to put the penny tree outside for the summer. Only by changing the temperature flower buds form.