Are Bellis multiannual? - Daisies grow in the garden

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Are Bellis multiannual? - Daisies grow in the garden - Garden
Are Bellis multiannual? - Daisies grow in the garden - Garden


Daisies are biennial

Are Bellis multiannual? - Daisies grow in the garden

If Bellis are listed in the planting plan, gardeners puzzle over the life of the flowers. This guidebook clearly explains whether you can count on blooming daisies in the bed and tub over several years.

Two-year life cycle distinguishes Bellis perennis

Among the 12 species of Bellis from the Mediterranean, the only specimen Bellis perennis made its way north in the distant past. In the course of evolution, the distinctive flowering plant developed an ingenious survival strategy for the bitterly cold winters in Central and Northern Europe. The result is a growth as a two-year mini-perennial with such a resounding success that daisies are now among the best-known plants in Europe. The contexts in focus:

Following the heyday, a Bellis perennis dies. Since the mother plant previously provided by self-sowing for numerous offspring, continues from year to year, the petite flower festival. Really hardy to - 34 degrees Celsius is therefore the leaf rosette, from which the flower stems rise in the year after sowing.

Bellis flowers are frosty

Bellis blossoms benefit from the robust hardiness of their green leaf rosettes. The white-yellow tongue flowers unfold early in the year, when other shrubs remain in their hibernation. Temperatures of up to -8 degrees Celsius do not prevent you from flirting with the first rays of the sun. In rainy weather or freezing cold, the clever mini perennials close their flower baskets and wait for the next sunny day.

Hybrids need winter protection

On a stable winter hardiness of up to - 34 degrees Celsius can primarily fall back to the wild daisy. Breeding forms, such as the lavishly filled daisy, Roggli ', have lost their frost tolerance. In the bed, a thick layer of leaves protects against frostbite. In buckets and boxes, we recommend a cover made of winter fleece or bubble wrap.


In the course of its long flowering daisies bring us healthy sweet tooth. The flowers, leaves and buds know resourceful housewives to use as a delicious ingredient to salads, desserts and drinks. Prepared as a tea, Tauschön relieve excruciating stomach discomfort and annoying cough.