Plant the garlic with success

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Growing Garlic from Cloves | Our Tips for Success
Video: Growing Garlic from Cloves | Our Tips for Success


Ornamental onions are set in autumn

Plant the garlic with success

Leek does not always have to land on the dining table. The garlic is less known for its good taste. It captivates with its violet, white or pink flower balls, which perch high on a straight stem. How do you plant it?

Next article With which care does one enjoy the ornamental tube for a long time?

When is planting time for the ornamental onion?

The onions of the garlic, which are available in the ordinary trade, should be planted already in the autumn. Then they go out in spring and bloom in early summer. The ideal period for planting is between the end of September and the end of November. On the other hand, sowing should take place in the spring.

How to plant the onions properly?

Before you just put the onions into the soil somehow, you should know that nothing will turn out of the plants. The onions are planted three times as deep as they are high. This means, on average, they are between 20 and 25 cm deep into the ground. It is ideal if you plant them in small groups.

Do not plant soft, shriveled or even moldy onions! Nothing will come of them! They do not rot and do not drive. The onions of the ornamental onion should be firm and firm. Their color is usually cream.

Which location is suitable for the ornamental onion?

In the blazing sun, the ornamental onion loves best. Only a few varieties grow well in partial shade. Basically, the bigger the onion, the more sunny the location should be. It may be a protected situation: the long stems otherwise run the risk of buckling in strong winds.

Which floors increase his well-being?

The top priority in relation to the soil is that it is permeable. The ornamental hose tolerates absolutely no waterlogging. The following aspects also have a positive effect:

Which plant neighbors are suitable?

If you have opted for a low-woken ornamental onion, you can, for example, socialize it with the fat hen. Even smaller ornamental grasses look good next to or behind. Yarrow and summer sage are suitable as planting neighbors for tall ornamental species. Furthermore, the following plant neighbors are suitable:

When does the ornamental-flower bloom?

The ornamental bulb usually flowers in May. Its flowers can be admired until June. Only a few species present their flowers in April. Rarely, there are also species that bloom into the fall. Either way - after flowering care should not be neglected!


When buying onions, make sure that they are winter-proof varieties!