Holes in the lawn - causes and effective countermeasures

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
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Holes in the lawn - causes and effective countermeasures

If holes turn the lawn into a crater landscape, every mowing becomes a bumpy ride. Who causes the damage and how you defend against it, betray the following lines.

How to identify the culprit

Holes in the lawn appear in every season. In order to act effectively against the wrongdoers, they must be clearly identified. The most important references to the usual suspects are listed in the following overview:

If it is superficial depressions with scratched soil around, here was a badger, raccoon or fox on the hunt. This is a rare damage image in the lawn, which usually does not repeat.

These holes do not require any defenses

Although they are not pretty to look at, they promote the growth and vitality of the lawn. There is talk of earthworm holes. The activities of these soil organisms make an irreplaceable contribution to the aeration of the soil and to the formation of humus. Similarly, the depressions of hedgehogs and birds have an advantageous effect. These arise because the beneficials are on the hunt for pests.

If the sight bothers you, ground the soil with a little bit of compost and spread grass seed on it. Loose pieces of grass are repacked without further ado.

Mole and vole bother - that's how it works

In the eco-friendly garden, no animal visitor is sentenced to death for digging holes or lifting a hill. Instead, Mole and Vole are complemented by the following methods to the garden door:

Acoustic Vergrämen

With bad smells drive away

Butyric acid has proven to be the ultimate way to exile moles or voles. The nausea-irritating smelling liquid is commercially available and is introduced by means of cloth rags in as many holes as possible in the lawn. Their sensitive olfactory nerves encourage the rodents to hurry as far as possible.

Mole is under conservation

The mole is - in contrast to the vole - according to Federal Nature Conservation Act protected from re-enactment. The talented tunnel builder may not be hunted, captured or killed. Only the gentle expulsion from the garden is tolerated.

Tips & Tricks

Already knew? The earth of a molehill tops any commercial potting soil. Carefully scrutinize the earth with the little pails of the cute fur ball and loosen it thoroughly. In addition, the substrate is rich in nutrients and humus, ideal for a magnificent growth of your potted plants.