Paving stones as a bed border - that's how it works

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Paving stones as a bed border - that's how it works - Garden
Paving stones as a bed border - that's how it works - Garden


For the experienced do-it-yourselfer, it should not be a problem to pave a bed enclosure

Paving stones as a bed border - that's how it works

Paved bed frames are not only easy to clean, they also prove to be a very durable and practical solution. Ideal is a paved edge of at least 20 centimeters wide, as you can ride on this easily with a wheel of the lawnmower and commit. With a little manual skill, this bed border can be laid on a weekend itself. We show how to do it.

The required material

tool list


So that the plaster is well, you should first mark the course of the bed enclosure. For this purpose, a Schnoorüst that you stretch around the floor beaten battens. Attach the string to specify the height of the paved border.

Now prune the lawn and raise a pit, which should be at least 15 centimeters deeper than the thickness of the stones. Compact the substrate well, so that it forms a permanently stable base.

How is paved?

Can the stones be put in mortar?

Alternatively, you can put the stones in a mortar bed. To do this, fill a layer of concrete about five centimeters thick on the sand layer and roughly smooth it with the shovel. In this the paving stones are laid. You can stabilize the joints with thin grout or joint sludge.

Towards the lawn, the concrete was just scraped off. Here, topsoil is filled after complete drying. So the lawn can grow up to the paved bed limit. Towards the bed, you form a beveled back support, which gives the pavement the necessary support.


If it is necessary to divide a paving stone, this can be done very cleanly with a grinder or a stonecutter.