How to create a bed in front of the terrace - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Beds can be integrated in various ways in front of and on the terrace

How to create a bed in front of the terrace - tips and tricks

The transition between terrace and garden should be as harmonious as possible and visually connect the two parts. This works quite well with a nicely laid out bed. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when designing.

Terrace and garden are at a height

If the terrace and garden are at an altitude, then there is often plenty of room for a nice bed in between. You can work with decorative grasses, colorful perennials and curved lines. Even a small rock garden comes out very well next to the terrace. Here you can let your imagination run wild with plant selection.

The terrace is higher than the garden

If your terrace is higher than the rest of the garden, then put the bed practically as a slope bed. So it needs a corresponding attachment. The bigger the difference in height, the bigger the floor area of ​​your best should be, otherwise it may become too steep.

If there is only a small space next to the terrace for the bed, then you can also work with so-called plant stones. These are filled with earth and serve as a fortification of the slope.

The choice of plants

When choosing your planting, you should first of all make sure that the plants can feel at home in their new location. If the terrace is in the sun all day long, then you prefer sun-loving plants. Would you like to create a vegetable screen? In this case, a viewing axis should remain free in the garden, so that your view is not restricted.

The bedding enclosure

Choose a bedding border that also reappears in the garden, which provides more harmony. A mix of all sorts of materials for paths and surrounds, especially in a small garden, quickly becomes chaotic and uneasy.

The essentials in brief:


Even if you want to use the plants on your terrace as a screen, make sure you have a clear viewing axis in the garden. Otherwise, the terrace seems a bit confusing.