How to cut your tree peony correctly!

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prune a Tree Peony
Video: How to Prune a Tree Peony


The tree peony rarely needs a pruning

How to cut your tree peony correctly!

Those who do not reach for the scissors must reckon that the tree peony only flowers sparsely. Therefore, a regular cut as a care is strongly advised. But how do you have to proceed? How much should one cut off and when?

Slow but broad spreading habit - frequent cutting unnecessary

Since the tree peony grows enormously slow compared to other plants, it seldom needs a pruning. But those who do not cut them will see, after a few years, that this plant will be quite wide. It can assume a growth width of up to 150 cm. Thus, it is considered wide-spreading awake. Just as high can be the tree peony.

Pruning in early autumn or spring

A light pruning can be done between August and September or alternatively in spring from February. It is important that the cut does not take place after mid-October, if it is done in the fall. That's too late. The cuts can not heal properly. As a result, they carry frost damage in winter.

Apply directly over a bud

When pruning in autumn or spring, it is best to pick up a pair of sharp pruning shears. Cut the shoots directly over a closed bud! The intensity of the pruning depends on your wishes:

Remove old flowers or wait for seed formation?

After the flowering period, which usually takes place between April and June, the old flowers can be cut off. This spares the forces of the tree peony. On the other hand, if you want the seeds to reproduce, you should leave the flowers and wait until September.

Rejuvenation - cut down to 30 to 40 cm

The tree peony plant has been around for many years? Now she is starting to look old and light? Then now a strong pruning should be made. Just cut it down to 30 to 40 cm as you rejuvenate.


The flowers of tree peony are perfect for a cut. In a vase of water they last up to 10 days.