Felling a Tree - You also need a permit for the tree in your own garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
No Nonsense Guide to Tree Felling.  How to cut down a tree safely.  FarmCraft101
Video: No Nonsense Guide to Tree Felling. How to cut down a tree safely. FarmCraft101


The trunk size decides whether you need a permission for the cases or not

Felling a Tree - You also need a permit for the tree in your own garden

Even if the big tree still bothers you so: From a certain trunk circumference and age you are not allowed to fell a deciduous or coniferous tree even in your own garden. Especially in urban, densely populated areas, old trees are under special protection, which is why you need good reasons and regulatory approval to create the ax.

Legal regulations - when you are allowed to fell trees and when not

Basically, trees should not be cut back or felled between the 1st of March and the 30th of September. This regulation is intended to protect breeding birds. In addition, deciduous trees with a trunk circumference of approx. 60 centimeters and coniferous trees with a circumference of approx. 80 cm may only be felled in many municipalities by stating reasons and with official approval. Only fruit trees are excluded from this scheme. Reasons are, for example, a wood-destroying disease of the tree or because he threatens to overthrow anyway. However, the specific regulations differ in the individual federal states, often even from municipality to municipality. For this reason, you should always seek information from the relevant authorities before scheduled felling work. As a rule, these are affiliated to the municipal administration.

Beware of border trees: First obtain permission from the co-owners

The problem can be the felling of so-called border trees, because here additionally all owners have to give their consent. Border trees are trees that are located directly on the border between two (or more) plots of land or in a communal meadow and therefore have not just one owner but several owners. This may not be acted on their own initiative, instead the respective neighbors are to be questioned or a majority resolution has to be obtained at a meeting of the owners. This also applies if a certain user has previously been granted a special use right over the tree-covered garden part.

Pay attention to the statutes of small and allotments

Even if fruit trees are basically exempted from the permit requirement, pear, apple and co. May not be felled easily, at least in a small garden. Here, the articles of association often regulate the relevant procedure, which is why garden tenants should first take a look at the regulations. Incidentally, walnut trees in this context do not count as fruit trees, but as deciduous trees and are thus also particularly protected.

The right season for the tree falls

When all necessary permits have been obtained, the tree is best felled between November and the end of January / beginning of February. At that time, the trunk carries less water, which is why the wood dries faster - who wants to make firewood or otherwise process the wood, benefits from it. In addition, deciduous trees bear no foliage at this time and the work can therefore be carried out more easily - quite apart from the fact that no bird eggs are more likely to be found in the nest.


The secret felling of the disturbing tree can have nasty consequences: Should someone tell you or otherwise get the regulatory office wind of it, threatening to fines of up to 100,000 EUR. The actual amount varies from municipality to municipality and can be checked in the corresponding statute.