Proper breeding creates a vital basil - that's how it works

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Proper breeding creates a vital basil - that's how it works - Garden
Proper breeding creates a vital basil - that's how it works - Garden


Proper breeding creates a vital basil - that's how it works

Proper cultivation provides the basis for magnificent basil plants that produce juicy-aromatic crops. The following guide explains step-by-step how tiny seeds turn into royal herb plants.

Sowing basil seeds made easy

By choosing the optimum date for sowing, the course is set for vigorous young plants. Start the work in early April, ready in time for the beginning of the planting season in mid-May robust royal herbs ready. This is how the cultivation behind glass succeeds:

Depending on the variety, the germination time takes 5-14 days at a constant 20-25 degrees Celsius. A cover made of glass or transparent film creates a moist-warm microclimate, which has an advantageous effect on germination. Ideally, a heated indoor greenhouse is available for cultivation. The seed should not dry out during this time, nor should it come under direct sunshine.

So you prick basil seedlings properly

If the seed leaves break through the seed coat, the growth progresses rapidly. Within a short time, the seedlings have reached a height of 5 centimeters and proudly present at least 2-3 leaves pairs. Now is the time to pique your pupils. How to do it professionally:

If the substrate surface feels moist, the seedlings are sufficiently watered from below. On the bright, warm windowsill, the little plants are busy building their own root system.

Tips & Tricks

You would like to dry basil to preserve it? Then we strongly recommend to tie a cloth around the nose and mouth. Dried kingwort turns into an excellent sneeze when processed.