What to do when basil withers? - Tips for the rescue

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Rescue A Dying Basil Plant - Two Methods
Video: How To Rescue A Dying Basil Plant - Two Methods


What to do when basil withers? - Tips for the rescue

In the supermarket, the basil shone in lush green splendor. At home, it leaves the leaves sagging sadly and withering within a few days. It does not have to come that far. We reveal how to keep purchased basil fresh longer.

That's why kings from the supermarket do not play with them

It has long been puzzled over the reasons why basil from the store shelf withers so fast. Only extensive investigations showed it. The seemingly vital king's cabbage is in truth extremely stressed. The reasons in detail:

The young basil plants are being squeezed into pots that are too narrow, causing fierce competition for light, water and nutrients.

Repotting prevents withered basil - that's how it works

Do not wait for basil after it has gone green until it withers. Ideally, you immediately go to the action and free the herb plant from their distress by rapid repot. The pleasing side effect of this rescue operation is that you can make three specimens out of one royal weed. Here's how to do it:

Ideally, the royal herbs find a sunny, warm place in the fresh air. Here they should be protected from pattering rain and cold draft. With good care, with regular watering and weekly fertilization, you can enjoy an aromatic harvest for many weeks.

Unsuitable for reproduction

While hand-drawn basil with careful care does not think to wither, the strained specimens from the supermarket are still battered even after repotting. For the propagation by cuttings they simply lack the vitality.

Tips & Tricks

On the summer window sill, the shelf life of basil is a maximum of 2-4 weeks. In the fresh air, on the balcony and in the bed Koenigskraut unfolds its full potential from May to fall.