Offshoots of the banana plant guarantee long-lasting pleasure

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Offshoots of the banana plant guarantee long-lasting pleasure

The offshoots can be separated with a little skill from the mother plant. They quickly grow into beautiful banana trees. A few simple steps support this process effectively.

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Separation of the mother plant

An ideal time to separate the offspring, also called Kindel, is spring or summer. When the banana tree is repotted, the hobby gardener can cut off offshoot. Intuitive feeling is appropriate, because the young roots of the Kindel are very tender and small.

For sustainable growth, it is advisable to separate the offshoots from the large perennials when they are about half the size of these. Now they get as well as the mother plant a pot corresponding to their size.

Professional separation:

Perfect plant substrate for healthy growth

Generally, banana plants are very susceptible to vermin and pests. Extra care should be taken with tiny young plants. Of great importance is an air-permeable, pure plant substrate. This avoids dangerous waterlogging.

Practical information

Lightly press the soil with your fingers after potting. In this way, no air holes can form. Pour the offshoot well immediately.

In the next step, he is placed in a bright and sunny location.

After just a few weeks, the Kindel becomes an independent mother plant. This forms new offshoots, which are separated again according to a certain date.

Water from above

Offshoots thrive particularly well if they are lightly moistened with a water sprayer from time to time. Incidentally, this is also very good for larger plants of this species.

Tips & Tricks

The small plantlets need a warm, very high humidity, especially in the first time. A plastic bag with small holes can be put over the pot for this purpose.