Plant bamboo but correct

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024
Lucky Bamboo Care and Propagation for Beginners
Video: Lucky Bamboo Care and Propagation for Beginners


Plant bamboo but correct

In Asian bamboo garden is less often more. Instead of lush flowers and colorful beds, bamboo plants bring soft colors to the Far Eastern oasis. We'll tell you the best tips on the right planting and the proper bamboo care.

Plant the bamboo step by step correctly

In order to create as good starting conditions for bamboo plants as possible, they should be offered the following primary care.

Place the root ball in a water vat for washing until no more air bubbles rise. If the bamboo is not planted immediately, place the plants in a sheltered place.

The best location for bamboo plants

Different types of bamboo prefer different locations under which they grow optimally and thrive. From sunny to partially shady and shady. If you arrange the bamboo plants before planting above ground to the planned planting place, distances or gaps can still be corrected.

If the bamboo is optimally positioned at the future planting site, the excavation can be done in twice the size of the root ball. If you want to do something good for your bamboo, mix special bamboo fertilizer, stored cow dung or dried cattle manure under the excavation. Insert the root ball so deep into the prepared planting hole that the upper root layer is flush with the surrounding earth. Then fill with the soil or the plant substrate, lightly press and model a pouring edge.

After planting, water the bamboo well. This sludge avoids air holes so that all roots have contact with the earth. So that the roots can develop undisturbed in the first two years, the excavation area must be correspondingly large. Also make sure that in heavy rain, the water can escape to all sides and no waterlogging arises. Otherwise the important fine roots will rot and die.

What planing distance do you plan for a bamboo hedge?

Depending on the height of the plants, the following distances are recommended.

Anyone who needs an immediate view protection can plant two plants per meter with a height of two meters as a bamboo hedge.

Which soil is suitable for bamboo plants?

Bamboo plants feel well in loose, sandy-loamy to humic soil. The soil should be well permeable with a crumbly structure. Never plant the bamboo in a wet loamy soil. Heavy, loamy locations can be improved by adding compost, peat, potting soil or special bamboo soil.

What else should be considered when planting bamboo?

Bamboo roots need some time to spread from the bale and become anchored in the ground. They must not dry out. Therefore, it is important after planting the bamboo sufficiently to provide water and water regularly.

Tips & Tricks

Avoid bark mulch around the bamboo plant. For in the decomposition of the bark mulch the microorganisms consume nitrogen, which the bamboo urgently needs for healthy growth. Therefore better do without bark mulch or feed nitrogen by fertilizing.