Why cut trees? Three reasons for that

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What happens if you cut down all of a city’s trees? - Stefan Al
Video: What happens if you cut down all of a city’s trees? - Stefan Al


Lime protects the trees from cold and pests

Why cut trees? Three reasons for that

In particular fruit trees should be white, as the painting with the lime paint is also called. There are good reasons for this, which serve to maintain the health of the trees.

Three reasons for limescale trees

White-painted tree trunks and branches can be seen in many gardens. However, the gardeners do not always know what it is all about. The white coating offers tangible health benefits for the treated tree, especially in damp locations and in wet weather.

1. Frost protection

For example, the lime paint is an effective antifreeze, which can be particularly important in fruit trees planted in exposed and very sunny locations. Especially in sunny but dry and cold winters, the tree bark can be seriously damaged by frost cracks. The reason for this is the intense solar radiation, which causes the tree to enter the vegetation mode in the middle of winter. As a result, the juice pressure increases, the moisture in the wood freezes - and the bark bursts open. Now fungi and other pathogens can invade unhindered. The white paint prevents this because the color reflects the sunlight and thus makes it ineffective.

2. Prevention

In general, prevention against diseases and pests is another good reason for whitening trees. The paint makes the bark more resistant to fungi, he also compresses them and thus takes the winter quarters in the wood overwintering pests.

3. Fertilization

Many trees feel most comfortable in a calcareous location. These species benefit for another reason from the lime paint, after all, the slowly washed off by rain lime color gradually seeps into the soil and is there taken up by the roots as a nutrient. Acidified soils can be restored to a more suitable pH with lime fertilizer, while the lime coating helps to maintain the optimum pH value. But beware: Not all plants are lime-compatible, therefore, not all trees may be painted.

So, you paint your fruit tree

The best time for a lime painting is autumn between October and November. And that is how it works:


Once the paint has been washed off the rain, it can be renewed.