Which season is the right one to plant trees?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why is Fall the best time to plant trees?
Video: Why is Fall the best time to plant trees?


Trees are best planted in spring or autumn

Which season is the right one to plant trees?

You should not simply plant a tree in the garden: to ensure that it grows well and flourishes magnificently, many factors must be considered in advance. One is the optimal planting time, which differs depending on tree type and region.

How to find the pase season

Basically, spring and autumn are the best seasons to plant a tree. The only requirement is that the soil is frost-free.


Trees with three different root types are available in the trade, all of which have an influence on the planting time.

You can always plant container goods all year round, as these trees are easy to root in and continue to grow. Ideally, trees with a root ball should be planted in early autumn (between the end of August and the end of September) so that they grow in time for the winter. Root-bare goods, however, come between October and April in the earth.

tree type

In addition to the root, the tree type decides when it is best planted. Deciduous trees are always planted at fall foliage fall so they can invest their energies in new roots training. By contrast, in spring such a tree needs too much energy to drive out new leaves. On the other hand, evergreen trees can be planted all year round, depending on the root type.


In addition to the season, you should also observe the recommended planting distances. This also applies to the legally regulated distances to the property boundary.