For lush growth and a healthy plant: fertilize avocado properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
NPK Fertilizer for Plant Application in Gardening? How Much and How to Use | English
Video: NPK Fertilizer for Plant Application in Gardening? How Much and How to Use | English


For lush growth and a healthy plant: fertilize avocado properly

Especially in terms of proper fertilization, many hobby gardeners are uncertain. Which fertilizer do I take? How much do I need and how often do I need to fertilize? Such questions are usually not easy to answer. In this article, we will explain how to properly fertilize your self-grown avocado.

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Young plants do not need fertilizer

Young avocados do not need fertilizer until they reach the age of four to six months as they derive their nutrients from the seed kernel. This source is dried up after a few months, so you can slowly get used to your plant fertilizer. Always use a liquid fertilizer, which you add to the irrigation water.But beware: Especially young plants do not need too much of it, as fertilizer is enough a third or even a quarter of the amount stated on the package. You should fertilize about every two to three weeks.

Fertilize properly in the growth phase

Later, you can increase the amount of fertilizer but extend the interval. Older avocados are satisfied with a gift at intervals of four to six weeks. In addition, it makes sense to repot the avocado regularly and thereby exchange the earth. On the one hand, your avocado grows better in a larger pot and on the other hand, small pots can promote root rot.

Optimum liquid fertilizers for avocados:

Do not fertilize in hibernation

If your avocado continues to grow in the winter, then you should continue to fertilize it - but much less often than in the summer months. Things are different for a planned hibernation: Then fertilizer inputs are rather counterproductive. In principle, it is sufficient to fertilize between April and September and to suspend it during the winter months.

Tips & Tricks

The avocado does not tolerate salty soils very well. For this reason, be sure to use fertilizers that are as low in salt as possible, and above all, do not fertilize them too often. If in doubt, you may prefer to plant the pot in a pot with fresh soil.