Is the ash flower poisonous?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
TOXIC - Complete Ashfur Halloween MAP
Video: TOXIC - Complete Ashfur Halloween MAP


The pretty ash flower is unfortunately very toxic

Is the ash flower poisonous?

The native of the Canaries ash flower is not only very decorative but also very toxic. The contained Pyrrolizidinalkaloide damage the liver and can be detected in all parts of the plant. The ash flower is also known as the louse flower.

Early article Does the ash flower grow outside in the garden? Next article Is the ash flower hardy?

Because of its toxicity, the ash flower is not exactly a houseplant for households with small children. She also enjoys spending the summer outside in the garden. However, she should also be out of reach here for children.

The care of the ash flower is not very straightforward, but not too difficult. Above all, it needs a half-shady warm place and enough water. If she does not feel well, then she is an easy target for lice.

The essentials in brief:


Despite its toxicity, the ash flower is a very decorative garden and indoor plant, which blooms in ideal conditions from March to June colorful.