Water the apple tree in the garden properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Properly Water a Fruit Tree | The Home Depot
Video: How To Properly Water a Fruit Tree | The Home Depot


Water the apple tree in the garden properly

Basically, apple trees in the garden require relatively little care compared to other fruit trees. However, it may make sense in summer weather and shortly after planting to sufficiently water the tree.

Maintain the apple tree properly and water

A freshly planted seedling of an apple tree should also be sufficiently watered during planting at the ideal time in the fall during the growing phase. After all, it takes a while for the fine roots that have sometimes been injured or cut during transplanting to branch off sufficiently again. Since the apple tree is predominantly a typical one, regular control and watering may be necessary during hot periods of drought in summer. The following factors play a role:

Beware of freshly planted trees

Immediately after planting, a young apple tree should be watered not only for the moisture itself, but also to close air holes around the roots with fine soil substrate. This process is referred to in gardener circles as the so-called "sludge". It works best if around the tree disk of the newly planted tree from the soil a slight pouring rim is modeled, which directs the water towards the tree trunk. So no water is lost and it can be watered with maximum efficiency.

The right amount of watering the apple tree secures the tree health

Basically, you should put an apple tree in a location where it gets at least six hours of sunlight a day. Only then will you be able to harvest sweet and intense-tasting apples in larger numbers. But this is also associated with the fact that the apple tree is exposed to the sunlight for a longer duration per day during heat periods in the summer. As soon as the top layer of soil feels dry, the flat-rooting apple tree should be watered with at least three large watering cans (equivalent to about 30 liters of water). Especially during the ripening phase of the apples you should not forget the watering, because the apple tree can otherwise throw fruits in drought. The application of a mulch layer around the tree trunk saves casting work, but can promote fungal infestation. Over-watering should also be avoided on impermeable soil, as apple trees are sensitive to waterlogging.

Tips & Tricks

Since the fine roots of the apple tree at some distance extend around the tree trunk in the soil, the casting should not be done directly on the tree trunk, but at the edge of the tree slice.