Lush Amaryllis in the Vase - A Green Guide to Nursing

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Simple Floral Arrangement
Video: How to Make a Simple Floral Arrangement


The Amaryllis is also beautiful as a cut flower

Lush Amaryllis in the Vase - A Green Guide to Nursing

As a cut flower, the wonderful Amaryllis in the vase stages itself as a flourishing work of art. In order for the floral splendor to last for many days, a knight star should be properly set and skilfully maintained. How this succeeds in detail, gives you this green guide.

Set knight star in the vase - How to do it right

Please pick up a vase that is at least three quarters of the stem height. Thus, the stems under the load of their large flowers can not bend so quickly. Use normal water at room temperature and add the preservative. Instead of hiring the entire bouquet of flowers in one go, pick each knight's star one by one to treat it like this:

In the vase, a knight star tends to roll up and split the stem from below. Although this process has no negative impact on durability, the appearance is compromised in a transparent vessel. Unless you feel disturbed by this, wrapping can be eliminated.

This care keeps the flowers fresh for a long time

In the vase, the knight star prefers a similar location as his colleagues in the pot. A bright place with temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius is ideal. With this care program, the beauty of the flowers is impressive for up to 14 days:

If you do not have a freshness-preserving agent for flowers at hand, just add a bit of charcoal and a pinch of sugar to the fresh water. Please consider the poison content in Ritterstern for all care work. Since the plant juice can cause bad skin irritation, the wearing of gloves is urgently recommended.


When buying Amaryllis for the vase, grab flowers with closed, well-colored buds and enjoy 2 weeks or more of your bouquet. As another signal for a dewy knight star, the shaft end should be smooth and not frayed.