What is the difference between acacia and robinia?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Honey & Pollen Under Microscope: Pollen of Convallaria, Robinia & Gleditsia x 200 Magnification
Video: Honey & Pollen Under Microscope: Pollen of Convallaria, Robinia & Gleditsia x 200 Magnification


The leaves of the robinia are differently feathered than those of the acacia

What is the difference between acacia and robinia?

It is not for nothing that the robinia is nicknamed "mock acacia" or "false acacia". For a layman, the two trees are confusingly similar. However, a trained eye recognizes some of the significant characteristics of the species. In the following, you should read what to look for when determining the tree.

Characteristics of Robinia

The robinia is mostly to be found as a tree. Only rarely does the genus speak of a shrub.



Characteristics of acacia

The acacia is usually obtained in the form of a shrub, rarely appears the plant as a tree in appearance.



Common ground between Robinia and Acacia

In addition to their similar appearance, acacia and robinia have one thing in common: all plant parts except the flowers of the plants are considered toxic. In particular, before eating the bark is warned. Small children, pets and horses are particularly at risk if left unattended. The robinia or the acacia exert by their sweet smell a special Reitz from the tree to taste. First symptoms of poisoning are

In animals, the consumption of robinia or acacia bark has even fatal consequences.

Summary - Difference between Robinia and Acacia

As you can see, it is quite possible to distinguish acacia from a robinia based on small details. Consider exactly the leaf shape of each crop. Is the foliage dress feathered in pairs or unpaired? Even for laymen, this feature is clearly visible. If the leaves are symmetrical and in even numbers on the petiole, this points to the acacia. In contrast, the robinia has a leaf at the end of the petiole. It is somewhat vague to determine the trees based on the bark.You need to know exactly which variety of acacia you are dealing with. If in doubt, you should simply get advice from the specialist in the nearest nursery. From the name "Scheinakazie", as the Robinie is also often called, you should not be misled by any means.