Maple care is booming in the fall - this is now to do

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
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Depending on the variety, the maple turns red, orange or yellow in autumn

Maple care is booming in the fall - this is now to do

The spectacular autumn coloration on maple trees gives the starting signal for a well-balanced care program. If the gardening season comes to an end, the time window for important measures in the bed and tub opens for all maple species. This guide summarizes what to do in the fall.

Autumn pruning minimizes the risk of default

Maples are prone to increased leakage of fluid from cuts. Even the smallest bark injuries in the middle of the season let the sap flow in streams. You avoid this deficiency when cutting back a maple in autumn. Parallel to the fall of the leaves, the juice pressure is reduced, in order to gradually strengthen again from December / January. How to use autumn for a pruning on the maple:

Intersect too long shoots exclusively in the area of ​​last year's growth. When exposing old, dead branches, do not allow long stubs to stop or the astring be injured.

Potassium fertilizer strengthens the winter hardiness

The robust winter hardiness of up to - 40 degrees Celsius is not innate even native maple trees. Only in the course of the first years does a reliable frost compatibility build up. By administering a potassium-fortified fertilizer in the fall, you promote this process. Specifically, this nutrient is able to lower the freezing point in cell water and strengthen the tissue of the cell walls.

In the summer, use a tub of comfrey to blow over the tree disc once or twice in August and September. Alternatively, in late summer, administer Patentkali or Thomaskali according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Maple in the pot wants a winter coat

Potassium-rich fertilizer is not enough to protect maple in the pot from the rigors of winter. Cover the bucket with fleece or coconut mats and place the container on wood or polystyrene. Collect autumn leaves and lay it on the substrate as a thick layer.


Autumn is not only the linchpin for important care measures. As summer approaches, the ideal time window for planting in the bed opens up. In September and October, the ideal conditions for a rapid rooting prevail in the sun-warmed soil.