The African Tulip Tree - tips and tricks for proper care

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Interesting Africa tulip tree Facts
Video: Interesting Africa tulip tree Facts


The African Tulip Tree likes it warm and sunny

The African Tulip Tree - tips and tricks for proper care

The African tulip tree (bot. Spathodea campanulata) is a member of the family of the trumpet-tree family and is not to be confused with the tulip trees (offered by Liriodendron). These plants differ considerably in appearance as well as in care.

The best location and the right floor

As the name implies, the African Tulip Tree comes from Africa. There it grows mainly in tropical forests and savanna and transitional forests. Accordingly, he prefers a warm location and is not hardy.

He feels very well in a bright warm winter garden, but should also be outside in a warm summer. Give your African Tulip Tree nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. These can easily lighten up with a little gravel or expanded clay. This promotes permeability and prevents waterlogging.

Pour the tulip tree properly and fertilize

The African Tulip Tree is considered quite thirsty. He needs more water during the summer, but much less during winter rest. The soil should never dry out, but just as little waterlogging occurs. Due to its high nutritional requirements, you should fertilize your African tulip tree regularly every seven to ten days. Alternatively, you can use a slow-release fertilizer, for example in the form of fertilizer sticks.

The wintering of the tulip tree

Only in the short term does the African tulip tree survive temperatures near freezing. Generally he does not like it below + 10 ° C. If he stays too long in the cold, then most root damage is the unpleasant consequence. Therefore, a hibernation at at least 15 ° C is recommended.

During hibernation (from November to March), the African Tulip Tree needs no fertilizer and significantly less water than in summer. It is normal for him to lose some leaves during this time.

The propagation of the African tulip tree

If you like, you can pull the African Tulip Tree from seeds or cuttings yourself. For both methods, however, you need a constant heat of about 20 ° C, best combined with a uniformly high humidity.

The essentials in brief:


With its spectacular flowers, the African Tulip Tree is an adornment for every winter garden.