The right care for cypresses

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Lemon Cypress Indoor Care Guide! 🍋💚🏡 // Garden Answer
Video: Lemon Cypress Indoor Care Guide! 🍋💚🏡 // Garden Answer


Cypress trees should be watered regularly

The right care for cypresses

Although cypresses are considered to be easy to maintain, robust coniferous trees. But you need sufficient care to make the trees really thrive. Nursing mistake does not forgive a cypress. What you need to consider if you want to maintain your cypress properly.

Early article Small instructions for planting cypress trees Next article Important tips for cutting cypress

How is the cypress cast?

Cypresses tolerate neither complete dryness nor waterlogging. Water the trees regularly as soon as the plant substrate is dry at the top.

With cypresses in the garden, drainage has proven itself. Maintain the cypress in the pot, you should also insert a drainage layer.

How often must be fertilized?

Cypresses are very fast growing and need a lot of nutrients. Provide a good foundation by improving the soil with compost, horn shavings, animal manure and Epsom salt before planting.

Grown plants provide you with long-term fertilizer in the spring.

When cultivating cypresses in tubs or bonsai, add liquid fertilizer to conifers every two to three weeks.

When and how are cypresses cut?

You do not have to cut single trees. Hedges are cut at least once a year. The best time for this is spring or from the end of August.

When cutting, remove as few fresh shoots as possible. Avoid cutting into the old wood, as the trees will be rough at these spots.

Hedges should be cut twice a year at the beginning so that the trees become strong and branch well. At the height, cut the hedge each year by about one-third of the annual growth, until the cypress hedge has reached the desired final height.

Which diseases can occur?

If the cypress shows signs of illness, you must take action immediately. This is especially true for fungal diseases that can become so massive that the tree comes in.

Affected shoots are immediately cut and disposed of. Often the use of a fungicide is essential to save the cypress.

Which pests are causing cypress?

A pest infestation can be recognized by dried tips and feeding gullies. Cut off affected branches immediately.

With bark beetles unfortunately only the tearing of the tree helps.

Why are the cypresses turning yellow or brown?

If the cypress gets brown or yellow needles or the branches dry up, either diseases or pests are responsible. Keep a close eye on the health of the cypress so that you can take action right away if you have problems with the cypress.

How are cypresses overwintered?

Cypresses are only partially hardy. In the garden they should be protected from frost with burlap or other materials.

It is important that the cypress must be watered in winter.


The right location plays a big role in the planting of cypresses. He should be as sunny as possible and a bit sheltered from the wind. The soil must be permeable, nutritious and slightly acidic.