Cut the plate hydrangea as little as possible

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer
Video: Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer


Cut your plate hydrangea as sparingly as possible

Cut the plate hydrangea as little as possible

The decorative and very lush flowering hydrangea are an ornament for every garden. In order for the flower shrub to actually bloom, it may only be cut slightly.

Early item plate hydrangea prefers shady location Next article plate hydrangea: care, propagation, cutting

Cut the plate hydrangea if possible in the spring

With the exception of panicle and snowball hydrangea, almost all species of hydrangea should be cut as little as possible. The plate hydrangea is one of these species that form flower buds only on the older shoots. A regular pruning would remove the buds already created in the previous year's fall and thus prevent flowering. For the same reason, gardeners should by the way leave the withered flower stalks on the plant, because the newly forming buds sit directly under the old inflorescences. In addition, the bloomed parts are used as winter protection for the new buds. Therefore, it is better to grab for secateurs only in early spring.

Annual cutting measures

In addition to removing bruised inflorescences, you can perform additional nursing cuts at the same time.

If you are unsure whether a shoot is actually dead or not, make sure to pass the test: Slightly scrape the bark of that branch with your fingernail. If the wood below is green, the branch lives and does not need to be cut. Brown, withered wood, on the other hand, can go away.

Perform a rejuvenation cut every three years

You can carry out the maintenance cut described above every year, saving you the rejuvenation cut normally due every year. Without this, the plate hydrangea would be forgiving, less and less flowers forming and finally offer a mere miserable sight. Basically, it is enough to make the necessary cut to rejuvenate about every two to three years, cutting out about half of the oldest shoots on the ground.

Tips & Tricks

Heavily forged and long-outdated disc hydrangeas (so-called "hopeless" cases) are radically cut down to about 15 to 20 centimeters above the ground. As a rule, these specimens recover after about two to three years and reboot. Help a lot with plenty of water and a good fertilizer, also winter protection should not be missed.