Dry leaves on the cylinder cleaner - (k) a normal condition

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
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Dry leaves on the cylinder cleaner can be the result of too little moisture

Dry leaves on the cylinder cleaner - (k) a normal condition

At first it was only a single sheet. Now there are already a dozen.The leaves are dry, hanging limp and deface the overall picture. What can be behind it and how are the leaves looking again?

Previous article 4 reasons why you should cut the cylinder cleaner Next article Where and how should you overwinter the cylinder cleaner?

The substrate is too dry

The most common reason why the leaves of a cylinder brushwood or tree dry up is lack of water. Keep the soil evenly moist! The root ball should not dry out. This is especially important in the summer months.

If the soil is very dry, it helps if you take the plant out of the pot and dip it briefly into a warm water bath. Use only lime-free to lime-free water for the water bath and generally for casting!

It is also recommended to spray the cylinder cleaner regularly with water. That's good for him! He does not like dry (room) air. Spray the plant every few days and ventilate the room that serves as a location!

Hibernation bothers him

In addition, behind dry leaves can be a bad hibernation stuck. The sudden change in temperature and the lower light weaken the cylinder cleaner. In addition, he suffers from it, if it is poured in the winter too little.

Waterlogging in the root area

Dry leaves may also set when the cylinder cleaner is exposed to waterlogging. Always dump water in the coaster and ensure a good drainage in the pot! The root rot often causes drying leaves, which soon fall off.

Pest infestation: kill the pests

Rarely stuck behind the dry leaves pests. In general, pests such as scale insects and aphids away from the cylinder cleaner, as it contains in its leaves essential oils that deter the pests.

Yellow, dry and deciduous leaves - normal aging

Dry leaves are normal to a lesser extent:


In most cases, dry leaves do not mean the end of this plant. If the care is corrected, drive soon again fresh leaves.