The black pine in the portrait - An informative profile

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
EC’18 Tutorial: Information, Persuasion, and Decision Making
Video: EC’18 Tutorial: Information, Persuasion, and Decision Making


At first glance, the black pine is anything but black

The black pine in the portrait - An informative profile

In our forests, the black pine is a rare guest. As a decorative house tree, however, the Mediterranean coniferous wood is gaining in popularity. Reason enough to familiarize yourself with the attributes of a Pinus nigra. The following profile provides information that is of interest to hobby gardeners.

Systematics and appearance

More and more often we encounter a black pine in parks, in cemeteries or in large gardens. There, the imposing conifer stands out as a solitaire or as an impressive group member. These characteristics characterize the tree:

The pine species owes its name to the black-colored cones shed, which serve as a clear distinguishing feature to other pine trees.

Tips on location and care

The black pine will make much of a stir in the future, because hardly any other tree proves to be so easy to maintain. Moreover, pollution of a Pinus nigra makes little difference, making the tree more relevant to inner-city planting. What to look for when choosing a location and care is summarized in the following overview:

To regulate the growth in size and create a dense habit, you can prune the black pine once a year.In the period from mid-May to mid-June, cut the fresh shoots - called candles - by half. Ideally, the needles are still on at this time. At the same time, clear the crown thoroughly.


Their growth has ended a black pine usually at the age of 150 years with a height of 40 meters. At this time, a Pinus nigra is still in her teenage years. At the ideal location in the mild Mediterranean climate, an age of 600 to 800 years is not uncommon.