Old and new plum varieties: An overview

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
New plum varieties at the Plum Demonstration Centre
Video: New plum varieties at the Plum Demonstration Centre


Old and new plum varieties: An overview

The resilient plum tree must not be missing in any garden. Between July and November, he delights with a sweet harvest. Learn more about the differences between different plum varieties in this article.

Early varieties

After a tender flowering in spring, early plums will enchant you with their sweet taste from the middle of July.

Buhler Frühzwetschge

These fruits can be harvested from the end of July. In the local allotment, the self-fertile plum trees are often planted. Due to its robust character, the Buhler Frühzwetschge is considered Scharka resistant. This virus disease is mainly transmitted by aphids and has a negative impact on crop yield.

Rooms early morning

Small, sweet fruits are ripe in early August. This dark early plum needs pollination a Nachbarzwetschge. She is not self-fertile.


From mid-July, this plum tree will provide fresh fruit. The dark blue fruits are covered by a light blue ring. The high sugar content gives it the refreshing sweet taste.


The first plum cake in the summer can be enjoyed with Katinka. The yellowish-green pulp offers a wonderful taste experience from mid-July.

Ersinger Frühzwetschge

Especially in the west of southern Germany, the early variety plays an important role. She is gladly grown in the garden. Their fruits are harvested in two to three rounds from mid-August. They are very sweet and medium hard. However, a wet summer affects the crop negatively. For damp regions, the classic Hauszwetschge.

The house plush

An autumnal, sweet dream gives this old variety to the allotment garden. The small fruits can be found primarily in old gardens. In professional horticulture occurs only in areas without Sharka risk.


Alternatively, the resistant Elena is grown. Their juicy plums are a little bigger than those of the house damson.

New breeds


A delicious fruit cake can be prepared in late autumn. The juicy, sweet pulp can be easily detached from the core. In addition, the variety Presenta convinces with its resistance to Scharka.


This variety scores above all for its incomparable appearance and unique taste. In 1980, she emerged from a crossroads. The medium-firm pulp can weigh up to 45 grams. The self-fruiting variety matures between late August and mid-September. The all-rounder plum is suitable for all growing areas and is versatile.

Sweet recommendations for further processing


Jam and compote

cake topping

Most plum varieties are suitable for making fresh fruit pies. Hanita and Hanka are not included.

eating fresh

Fresh from the tree the fruits taste best. They can be stored for up to a week. The plum plant Cacacs Schöne is suitable exclusively for further processing.

Tips & Tricks

New plum trees can be pulled out of a core. Unedicated, old varieties multiply well over shoots.