Grasnelke is absolutely hardy

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grasnelke is absolutely hardy - Garden
Grasnelke is absolutely hardy - Garden


Cloves are absolutely hardy

Grasnelke is absolutely hardy

The very undemanding Clove (Armeria) thrives almost anywhere where other perennials do not settle - extreme conditions such as sandy, stony or even salty soils do not harm the plant at all. Also in view of the cold, the carnation - which, by the way, despite its name, is not one of the carnations but of the plumbago plants - is absolutely insensitive.

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Properly overwinter the carnation

Cloves are absolutely hardy and usually come out very well without any winter protection. On the contrary, because a winter protection (such as a cover with foliage o. Ä.) Will only lead to the loss of the evergreen leaves. It is only sensible to protect the plant from the glaring winter sun in the case of freezing cold, because in such a case the grassland threatens to die of thirst. Kahlfrost is ground frost, where the plants are not protected by a blanket of snow. In such a case, water evaporates from the leaves, while the plant can not draw fresh water from the frozen soil - it threatens to dry up.

What to do with root rot?

In wet or even wet winters, however, threatens waterlogging with subsequent root rot. Although the carnation is extremely robust in many conditions, it only tolerates wetness at all. For this reason, the plant belongs from the outset to a dry location - optimal are stone or heath gardens. A (threatening) Wurzelelfäule recognize you by the powerless hanging, yellowish discolored leaves. Often the plants are beyond saving, but you can dare to try:

If the infestation is not too advanced, the plant with a little luck drives out new.


Cloves are not only great for planting in stone and heather gardens, they also thrive on dry stone walls and similarly inhospitable grounds.