Causes of brown leaves of dwarf date palm

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 reasons for Areca Palm leaves tips turning brown & remedies
Video: 5 reasons for Areca Palm leaves tips turning brown & remedies


The sun may be due to brown leaves on the dwarf date palm

Causes of brown leaves of dwarf date palm

If the dwarf date palm gets brown leaves, it can have natural causes. Sometimes care mistakes or a bad location are responsible for the discoloration of the leaves. Often it is due to low humidity that the leaves turn brown.

Why is it that the dwarf date palm gets brown leaves?

Brown leaves often indicate that the dwarf date palm was too well cast. Pour more carefully and avoid waterlogging.

Brown tips on the leaves are caused by too low humidity. Spray the plant more often.

Brown spots on the leaves are a sign of burns from the sun. Slowly accustom the dwarf date palm to the light when you bring it out of the winter quarters.


You may cut off brown leaves, but only when the whole leaf has withered. If only the tips are brown, cut them off with sharp scissors.