These are the seeds of sweetcorn!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The "whys" of planting corn seedlings (instead of seeds)   May 17, 2020
Video: The "whys" of planting corn seedlings (instead of seeds) May 17, 2020


The seeds of sweetcorn are ripe in late summer

These are the seeds of sweetcorn!

Who grows the one-year and originally from Mexico derived sweetcorn, is usually keen on the seeds, which stand together in long and thick pistons. Whether fresh or dried - they are versatile in the kitchen usable. What are their characteristics and how are they sown?

To grow sweet corn: from sowing to harvesting Next article Sweetcorn Harvest: Harvest time, harvest sign and use

Characteristics of the seeds

The seeds of sweetcorn have the following characteristics:

Sow the seeds at the right time

You can prefer the seeds of sweetcorn at home in a bright place. This has the advantage that they germinate faster and safer. The best time to move forward came between April and May.

The direct sowing should be started from mid-May (after the Eisheiligen). Allow the seeds to swell for 8 to 10 hours in 20 ° C water before sowing!

Plant and row spacing and the perfect sowing depth

Per running meter 5 to 7 seeds (or twice the amount for later reading of the weaker plants) can be set. They are sown with the tip down into the prepared soil. The sowing depth is 3 to 4 cm (in sandy soils also 5 cm).

It is recommended to sow at least one double row for a later good fertilization. In the row care is taken to a distance between 20 to 40 cm and between the rows to a distance between 40 to 60 cm.

In which soil do the seeds germinate well?

The soil should be kept moist but not prone to waterlogging. Important is a minimum floor temperature of 10 ° C. Otherwise, the seeds will not germinate. For a successful harvest, a nutrient-rich, deep, well-drained, and neutral substrate is best.


When growing sweetcorn, it is best to use seed-proof varieties instead of hybrid varieties! The seed-resistant varieties include, for example, Golden Bantam and Damaun.