Care of the three-master flower: cut, fertilization, watering and Co.

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Back To Eden Gardening Documentary Film - How to Grow a Regenerative Organic Garden
Video: Back To Eden Gardening Documentary Film - How to Grow a Regenerative Organic Garden


The three-master flower needs water regularly

Care of the three-master flower: cut, fertilization, watering and Co.

Her name already indicates that she is a very valuable specimen. The three-masted flower surprises with graceful flowers, a beautiful, often reed-like foliage and a slender growth. To keep them fit, care should not be spared.

Early article three-master flower - Potential unfold at the right location Next article The three-masted flower, the perfect houseplant

Why is cutting so useful?

After flowering, it is a perfect time to pay a visit to the three-masted flower with scissors. The withered flowers are removed, even before the fruits can form with the seeds. This cut leads to a post-flowering. On top of that, this cut has the purpose of preventing a self-sowing and thus a Verwildern.

How often should be poured?

The casting of the three-master flower is essential to preserve its beauty. It tolerates both no waterlogging and no long-lasting drought. In the optimal case, the environment of the earth is kept slightly moist.

Use lime-free water, such as rainwater or stale tap water, to water this plant (lime deposits below). Depending on the location and weather conditions, it may not be watered or once or twice a week.

In the spring, the soil can be provided with a thick mulch layer to slow down drying out. But in dry times should still be poured. Note: The thicker the three-master flower leaves are - different from species and species - the better the plant can store liquid and less watering is necessary.

What should be considered when fertilizing?

Fertilization takes place between March and April. A one-time application of fertilizer per year in the form of a complete fertilizer such as compost is sufficient for the three-master flower. It does not need many nutrients to grow well.

How is the care of the houseplant different?

As a houseplant, the slightly poisonous three-moth flower needs more care:


The three-masted flower should be repotted every 2 to 4 years depending on the species, if it is kept as a houseplant.