The three-master flower, the perfect houseplant

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Techniques  To Become a Top Floral Designer
Video: Techniques To Become a Top Floral Designer


Not all species of the three-masted flower are suitable as a houseplant

The three-master flower, the perfect houseplant

The conspicuously long pointed leaves, which are often delicately drawn, make the three-masted flower an optical highlight. Even without flowers, this plant has a decorative effect thanks to its foliage. To ensure that it stays that way for a long time, there is a lot to consider in the room culture.

Previous article Care of the three-master flower: cut, fertilization, casting and Co.

Which species are suitable for the room culture?

Not all types of three-masted flowers are suitable for pots and a place in the apartment. But two species have proven to be suitable in the past:

The location in the apartment: Bright, but not sunny

Ordinary living room temperatures cause the three-master flower no problems. On the contrary: This tropical plant loves the heat and temperatures between 20 and 25 ° C are ideal for her. The warmer the living space is, the brighter it should be.

Further noteworthy is:

Water with lime-free water and fertilize regularly

In addition to a good location, watering and manuring are the top priorities. Water the plant with lime-free water as soon as the top layer of soil has dried. Between April and September should be fertilized regularly. Every 2 weeks liquid fertilizer is added to the irrigation water. Dose the fertilizer more sparingly than indicated on the packaging!

Beware of spider mites, aphids and gray horse!

Spider mites and aphids are not deterred by the toxins in the three-moth flower, but can tarnish the appearance. Get rid of the pests as soon as possible. Diseases can occasionally lead to gray mold. The cause is a too wet substrate coupled with a too dark location.

And in the winter?

In winter, the following applies:


Since three-master flowers do not mind bad care, they are ideal for beginners.