Madagascar palms are poisonous succulents

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pachypodium lamerei - Madagascar Palm
Video: Pachypodium lamerei - Madagascar Palm


The trunk of the poisonous Madagascar palm tree is covered with sharp thorns

Madagascar palms are poisonous succulents

Madagascar palms are despite their name no palms, but they are among the dog poison plants. They contain substances that are toxic to humans and animals, especially in sap. Therefore, be careful when children and pets belong to the family.

The Madagascar palm is unfortunately poisonous

Already the assignment of this Succulent plant to the dog-poisonous plants indicates that the Madagascar palm is unfortunately poisonous to humans and animals, in all plant parts.

Particularly poisonous is the sap that escapes when cutting, for example.

Never leave fallen leaves and cut-offs lying around so that no one can poison them. Make the plant out of the reach of children and pets, or rather give up keeping a Madagascar palm.


Madagascar palms can be multiplied by cuttings by cutting side shoots. Be careful not to get the plant juice on your bare skin. Always keep this plant in gloves.