What is the water requirement of lemon balm?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lemonbalm: How to grow, use and propagate with Morag Gamble
Video: Lemonbalm: How to grow, use and propagate with Morag Gamble


What is the water requirement of lemon balm?

The age of a melissa defines the need for irrigation water. Even used or newly purchased seedlings are poured in the bed according to a different rhythm than established plants.

How to handle it correctly:

For older lemon balm, the natural rainfall is sufficient to meet the need for water. Only in the summer drought is poured. Choose either the early morning or late evening hours. Under blazing sunlight no plant should be watered.

Water melissa in the pot more often

In the confined volume of a tub, lemon balm can hardly stretch its roots in search of water. Here also older specimens are regularly cast when the upper 4-5 centimeters of the substrate are dried. A firmly cemented schedule does not apply here, as the pot size and temperature determine the exact water requirement. This principle also applies to lemon balm as a houseplant.