Freeze hummus in stock

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: You can freeze WHAT?! 12 Ingredients to freeze + more from the SPS community!


Hummus keeps in the freezer for several months

Freeze hummus in stock

If you swing the blender to make a tasty chickpea paste, you can do it well in advance: hummus can be easily frozen and tastes fresh and spicy even after thawing.

What you have to consider before freezing

If you want to freeze hummus, it should be as fresh as possible, so it tastes aromatic even after thawing. In any case, it should not be left standing open at room temperature for too long, because after only two hours harmful microorganisms can spread on the hummus.

Freeze Hummus properly

The hummus does not need to be prepared for freezing. You can simply put the finished chickpea paste in the freezer well packed. If you usually need small portions, you can freeze the hummus in ice cube molds. You can always thaw the required amount of hummus ice cubes and leave the rest in the freezer for later use.

    Use a spoon to put small hummus portions in an ice cube tin. Put them in the *** freezer for a few hours. Once the chickpea paste is frozen through, you can transfer the cubes into freezer bags or plastic or stainless steel boxes. Close the containers carefully and do not forget to label them with the date of freezing. Place the well packed hummus at -18 ° C in the *** freezer.

To thaw the chickpea paste

Since hummus is consumed cold, you should not heat it to thaw. The most gentle method is to thaw in the refrigerator: place the unopened freezer in the refrigerator overnight and slowly thaw the hummus. The cold temperatures during the thawing process do not allow harmful germs to multiply on the food. Alternatively, it is also possible to thaw the hummus in the microwave. Select the low defrost level.
In both cases you should once again use the hand blender to feel the thawed chickpea paste, or at least mix it well, so that you get a homogeneous mass again. When freezing, it can happen that the oil separates from the other ingredients of hummus.
Freshly frozen hummus should be consumed within three months. The longer foods are stored in the freezer, the more they lose their aroma.