Why is the cypress turning brown?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Are My Leyland Cypress Trees Turning Brown And What Can I Do About It
Video: Why Are My Leyland Cypress Trees Turning Brown And What Can I Do About It


Too much sun does not like the cypress

Why is the cypress turning brown?

Zimmerzypressen are due to their filigree foliage very popular indoor plants. In general, the plants are very robust and do not need much care. Now and then the needles or shoots turn brown. This is mostly due to care mistakes or illnesses.

Causes of the browning of the cypress

See the cypress right by the window, too much sun can cause the brown spots. In strong sunlight, the window glass looks like a burning glass and burns the delicate needles. The cypress must be very bright, but does not tolerate strong sunlight.

The cypress does not need as much water as other cypress species. It must not dry out completely. Before you pour, do the finger test. If the upper soil is about two inches dry, it's time to water.

Avoid waterlogging. Always plant cyprioti in pots with good drainage and a sufficiently large drainage hole.

Do not fertilize cypress trees too often

A frequent care mistake is fertilizing the cypress. If you repot the plant regularly every two years, you do not need to fertilize it.

If you give it too much fertilizer, it may also make the leaves brown.

If you absolutely want to fertilize, only add some liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water every few months.

Fungal diseases of the cypress

Often, cypresses turn brown because they are infected by Phytophthora. It is a fungal disease that causes the wilting of the leaves.

If you want to be absolutely sure, remove the cypress from the pot and rinse off the old soil completely. Then put them in fresh substrate.

All browned parts of plants are cut off generously and disposed of in the household waste.

Zimmerzypressen in the summer outside

Zimmerzypressen thrive better if you do not nurse them in the room all year round. In summer you may place the plant in the tub in a very bright but not too sunny location.


Zimmerzypressen are not hardy. They must be wintered in a cooler place in winter. A corridor window or a place in the bright, unheated conservatory is ideal.