Bringing the cypress into shape by cutting

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Leyland Cypress
Video: 4 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Leyland Cypress


Cypress can be shaped in the spring

Bringing the cypress into shape by cutting

Basically, it is not necessary to cut a cypress. But if the plant gets too big, you are welcome to cut it. The easy-care Zimmerzypressen are well cut compatible and can even cut into certain shapes.

Zimmerzypressen are fast growing

Coming from the coastal areas of California cypress can be up to 30 meters high in their home. Of course, he does not reach these heights in the room. Nevertheless, cypresses grow quite fast and then become too tall and sweeping for the windowsill.

To keep the plant in check, you can cut it at any time. Even a strong pruning does not bother her.

The best time to cut is the spring, when the cypress is cast out again.

Cutting cypress into shape

In its natural form, the cypress grows pointed up. It can also be easily cut into shape. Popular shapes are cones or balls.

In order to cut the desired shape, stencils are ideal for cutting along. Even wire mesh, which are stretched over the crown, are suitable for the shape cut.

The main section should be done in spring. You may cut any protruding shoots at any time.

Cutting sick shoots

Unfortunately, cypresses tend to get brown shoots when the plant is in an unfavorable location or kept too moist.

Brown shoots should be cut at the same time, so that fungal diseases can not spread.

In root rot, it is also useful to remove the plant from the pot, wash the plant substrate and cut off rotten roots. This is the most effective way to fight a fungal disease.

Use only clean scissors

For cutting Zimmerzypressen pruning shears are as sharp as possible cutting blades. Dull scissors should not be used as they can tear the stems and allow germs to enter.

Before cutting, clean the cutting tools thoroughly so that you do not transmit diseases.


If you want to multiply the not hardy cyprus yourself, use head cuttings that you cut in spring. These are put in potting soil and maintained in a warm location. However, the multiplication does not always work.