Valerian - grow this herb yourself

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant Profile: Valerian with Emily
Video: Plant Profile: Valerian with Emily


From May, the valerian can move to the garden bed

Valerian - grow this herb yourself

Valerian - One knows this herb superficially as a remedy for sleep problems. A drop of valerian oil piled on the pillow, the night can be more relaxing. Who wants to grow this plant itself, should pay attention to some aspects. Which are they?

Early article Valerian: Where is the perfect location? Next article When the valerian is in full bloom ...

Does the valerian like a sunny or shady spot?

Valerian does not make any outstanding demands on the location. It is ideal if the location guarantees about 6 hours of sunshine a day. Gladly it can therefore be a full sun in southern direction.

But even slightly shady locations may be suitable for valerian. It is also important that the site is warm and dry. If necessary, the valerian also tolerates rough conditions, as it is sufficiently frost hardy.

What should be considered when choosing the substrate and soil preparation?

Valerian copes with many soils that are not prone to extremes. When planting, make sure the substrate meets the following criteria:

How and when is valerian sown?

It often turns out to be a small challenge and a trial of patience to plant valerian. Although the seed of various species is commercially available. But the seeds are rather poor germinable.

On top of that, the germination process takes a relatively long time. It is best if you use fresh seeds that are not older than 1 year old. With increasing storage time, the seeds lose germination capacity.

Here are some hints:

When does the flower start and when does it end?

Anyone who sown the valerian in spring or planted it as a purchased seedling can already see the flowers in summer. As a rule, flowering begins in June / July and lasts for several weeks.


Since the valerian tends to form foothills in favorable locations, it should be planted in a place where it does not interfere with proliferation. So better outside of beds.