Room fir becomes yellow - causes of yellow needles

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Why are the pine needles turning yellow?
Video: Why are the pine needles turning yellow?


Too much sun leads to yellow needles in the room fir

Room fir becomes yellow - causes of yellow needles

Timber firs are very decorative - for beginners, the house plants, they are only partially suitable. The plant originates from Australia places high demands on the care and even more on the location. On care mistakes or a wrong place she reacts with brown or yellow needles.

Yellow leaves on the room fir - Why the room fir becomes yellow

There are a number of locations and care mistakes that may be responsible for yellow needles in a room fir:

It is important that you immediately respond to discoloration of the needles, drooping branches or the falling of branches and remedy. Otherwise there is a risk that the room fir is not to save and is received.

A good location for the room fir

Room firs need a lot of light, but do not tolerate direct sunlight. If you take care of them in the flower window, shade the room fir during the lunch time.

In summer, a room fir can tolerate up to 22 degrees, while in winter it does not like warmer than 5 to 10 degrees. It is therefore important to keep a room fir cooler during the winter so that it does not turn yellow.

Also, the place should be chosen so that you do not constantly bump into the branches when passing.

High humidity preferred

The humidity must not be too low. The warmer the ambient temperatures are, the more often you should spray a room fir with soft water.

Although the root ball should never be completely dry, waterlogging is essential to avoid. Always pour only when the top layer of the earth has dried. Do not leave water in the coaster or planter.

Fertilize room firs regularly

In the summer you should ensure that the room fir receives sufficient nutrients. Fertilize with rhododendron fertilizer every two weeks. Only directly after repotting you may not give fertilizer for several weeks.


In the summer you treat the room fir calmly a cookie on the balcony. But make sure that the plant is not directly in the sun. Make sure that rainwater can not accumulate in the pot.